The Titanic Comfort Mitte is a good hotel for convenience but that’s about it. The cleaning was okay & the layout was nice but the rooms were very small. I was under the impression all of the rooms were like this (looking at the fire safety map), there was barely any room between the end of the bed and the wall. The WiFi was awful! I’ve literally stayed in a tin house on an island in Thailand with better WiFi than here. On the first night my neighbours were clearly having a sesh, and were just making so much noise. I called downstairs to complain and they said they’d send someone up - I was literally by the door waiting for 25 mins and no one showed, so I went downstairs and the receptionist was incredibly rude! He argued he’d gone up and that there was no music playing & *literally* called me a liar! (Note I said noisy - not loud music), after some back & fourth he agreed to move me to a different room. Overall I’d score this a 4/10 and that says a lot from me, my tolerance for hotel BS is quite high but this all tipped me over the edge! Small rooms, crap WiFi, rude staff but convenient.